Shaun is a Philistine

The following conversation took place between Shaun and Jamie Thom in the Physics building, a place where Shaun is wont to hang out and play MUDs. (Transcript by Jamie himself, so don't blame me for any mistakes.

Shaun: Hi, Jamie.
Jamie: Shaun. (Curt and hopefully "I cant be bothered just now" expression)
Shaun: What are you looking at?
Jamie: My string quartet page I'm writing. (Feverish burst of typing to simulate business and have-better-things-to-do-ness)
Shaun: Do you play pop or classical music?
Jamie: (Withering glance) Classical.
Shaun: Don't know much myself, I like the one that goes [Dum dala DUM DUM, Dum dala DUM DUM...]
Jamie: Wagner, Call of the Valkiries
Shaun: yeah, that's the one and one about a bee... I think.
Jamie: ?
Shaun: You know [Dooohoohoohoooohlaaaah dumalumalumalumaladumala..]
Jamie: Flight of the Bumble Bee?
Shaun: Yep, knew it had to do with bees.
Jamie: Shaun, you are a philistine.
Shaun: A what?


[Shaun page]


Last updated 22nd May 1996
Page maintained by Sam Kington (