Mark will not swear, not even for money

Mark, notoriously, doesn't swear. Ever. The rudest word he ever says is "crap". When running SomeWhatTM games, where you can either have A few, Several, Many, Lots or Shitloads of things, he used to refer to S***loads (not quite pronouncing the asterisks, but close enough). When he needs NPCs to swear, he gets Brian to swear for him. Wednesday 18th March was National No Swearing Day.

Therefore, on Monday 9th, I made him this deal: I would write off a quarter of his debts if he swore like a trooper during No Swearing Day. He would have to swear in front of me, he would have to say all of the words that get asterisked out in newspapers. Mark, after first taking me up on this, decided to decline.

He did come up with an alternative suggestion, though: say things that were so disgusting but so off the wall that they weren't swear-words yet. His favourite phrase that matched these criteria: baby-squicking mother-felching biter of bullocks' bollocks. (See this explanation if you don't know what some of these words mean. Be warned, though: it's gross.)

I did this for two reasons: it would be funny, and I didn't really expect Mark to pay off his debts anyway. Ironically, Mark got a job two days after announcing he wouldn't prostitute his principles for money.

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Last updated 19th March 1998
Page maintained by Sam Kington (