I see again, Flitworth, that you are demonstrating the gulf between your abilities to perceive and conceive in your tendency to choose one or the other. Very well. I have been in some small amount of communication with the other members and have hinted at the correct course of action in the hopes to spark intelligent planning, an effort that has met with mixed success. Below you will find some other useful observations regarding our situation that might help to initiate you to the world of Productive Thought.

1. The local constabulary are concentrating all their enegries in keeping their knuckles from scraping the ground.

2. It is a far more probable and believable thing that the struggling intellect of Jim performed his actions by a misunderstanding than by our direction. "An' I got that vinegar and spread them irn filin's around the church jus' like you said, Mr. Persicue, sir, oh arr..." Really.

3. The hunting accident does work as an excellent cover as I have suggested all along, whimsical choice of weaponry notwithstanding. Only if it looks as though we're all in trouble is it worth sacrificing the good Mr. Persicue and that which is Cadwalliter to the duelling story. About the duel remember two things: it is quite illegal (let alone immoral to waste one's life when their is war in your home country), and that no one will question the cause of the duel as that is between the participants and their parties only and even the authorities would not ask such a question. If you feel something must be said, Cadwalliter made some remark about the moral rectitude of Persicue's uncle -full stop.

4. I was at the churchyard sometime before mass taking rubbings of the gravestones before going to meet you all, that is all, aside from wondering what in God's name Jim was doing pouring those filings around the church.

5. The train, along with the doctor's disappearance is not an issue at all, as that had happened on the previous day. If you feel that it must be explained the doctor had one of his fits (as he had in the church) and hid in one of the luggage carriers until it passed, and hurt himself in the process. No one was alerted to the disappearance of the alien sorcerer, and the only person who actually saw them step off the train was a woman.

Thus even you may see that if the authorities do in fact find out these suspicious sounding facts, that is all they will have -suspicions only. Remember as well that both my alternate and my brother are in positions of some influence, and the former is strongly in our debt as Grossman can testify. It is certainly time to acquaint my copy with the full facts of this struggle or the same fate may befall your Queen Victoria as befell mine, if it isn't already too late. It is truly a tragedy that the once good people of that village had become too infected for rehabilitation to be possible. Where else is this happening? These should be the things that should concern us, not worrying over nothing when our defensible position is so obvious.

Reply when you have finished ascertaining the true nature of your navel,

Previous item: CEF: That would be a first
Index: How do we explain the Church burning down? A debate.
Next item: CEF: Stoatley is too fond of his own intellect; Jim bought too many iron filings

Pages by Sam Kington (sam@illuminated.co.uk )
Page last updated: 16th March