While C. is right about our importance as a force against the sinister forces poised against our world, he argues that we should emulate these forces with our behaviour. Not cricket, as he would say. We do not play the patsy with Jim for he is a good and willing, if devolutionary, soldier in our war. I will make no comments about the obvious evidence of C's background at this point, at least until his behaviour demands it.

Duelling Story. It is true that a duel which does not culminate in death, and the parties are thenceforth resolved in their differences may be overlooked by the law, but it is suspicious to come right out and admit it without at least trying out a cover story. Many's the duel ascribed in official reports as a 'hunting accident' where two people had managed to hack each other near to death with the dull swords of their parents. Important: Duels are both illegal and immoral.

It appears that, aside from Persicue's assertion that the Duelling Story should not be secondary with the Hunting Accident as primary but should stand by itself, the rest of us are in accord despite the incendiary comments of Flitworth and Cadwalliter.

This is a time for concerted action. There is much afoot before us and we must slough off any any misstep we may have made that has led us to where we have fallen so that we may track our wily enemy to his latest nefarious enterprise.

There is something else.

Previous item: AGPSIV: No; just return to our normal lives and hope no investigation occurs
Index: How do we explain the Church burning down? A debate.
Next item: AGPSIV: Stoatley's right

Pages by Sam Kington (sam@illuminated.co.uk )
Page last updated: 16th March