Das reicht! Gentlemen, is it necessary so much nastyishness to be exhibiting? Are we with enough not at odds, that we must thus be making with the verbal abuse also? Internal strife is always better served when nothing threatens from without: this being not the case, shall we not then be civil? A little bit? At least? Please?

I feel that Imust agree with Mr. Staotley on some of these points. How likely is it that they will discover a (much disturbed, by this point) ring of iron filings around the church, when for such things they will almost assuredly not be looking, and if they were, then the likelihood is that they should know why for these things they would be looking and would sympathize? Though we need hardly consider this, since, as Stoatley points out, this would represent a thoroughness with which the local authority is not commonly credited, is it not thus? So-- Mr. Tremaine goes out and buys a lot of iron filings and vinegar when Mr. Persicue had asked for a lot of something quite different. I don't know what. Something snipehuntingish. I am unsure as to the maintainability of a credible scinece-experiment story. Then, I do have all that stuff in the cellar; I'm sure I could be coming up with something, but it will be a moment. But anyway. For that there is a ring of filings around the destroyed church, we could not possibly be asked an explanation to be giving. To whom precisely would it occur to do this? And who would have seen us? And why would any criminally-minded person risk discoverment this bizarreness to commit? Anyway, aren't such things traditionally done with salt?

This one may be a hole in the story, but it may not matter. It proves nothing anyway, even if it is established that there is a ring of iron filings around the church, and that Jim bought filings. Nothing logically follows. Nothing illogically follows. It is only a vague connection and tenuous and too far before mass anyway. Maybe there was a hole in the bag, and Jim walked around with Stoatley and myself when Stoatley took rubbings. Who cares? They are not going to find it. I think we might as well not know anything about it.

With apologies,

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Index: How do we explain the Church burning down? A debate.
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Pages by Sam Kington (sam@illuminated.co.uk )
Page last updated: 16th March